Publications in press

Publications in June 2008 year
24 June 2008, 17:43
Lavrov Urges Delay on U.S. Missile Defense
MOSCOW - Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday urged the United States to delay deployment of elements of a planned missile-defense system in Europe and called on NATO to halt its eastward expansion.
  • 10 June 2008, 17:48
    St. Pete Years Behind Moscow, Experts Say
    While mushrooming apartment blocks on the city's outskirts and endless restorations of historic buildings in the center could give the impression that nowhere is developing faster than St. Petersburg, its real estate market still lags behind Moscow's, experts say.
  • 6 June 2008, 17:50
    Will St. Petersburg Ever Catch Up?
    While the speed with which new apartment blocks seem to mushroom on the outskirts of the city and the endless restoration of historic facades around the city center could give the impression that nowhere is developing faster than St. Petersburg, the city's real estate market still lags far behind that of the capital, according to experts.
  • 3 June 2008, 17:58
    Less new retail space launced in St Petersburg
    In 2007 the rates of new retail space delivery dropped in St Petersburg by more than half compared to 2006.
  • 3 June 2008, 17:57
    Marine Facade to sell to-be-reclaimed lands
    Marine Facade Managing Company has announced sales of yet-to-be-reclaimed lands in the western part of the Vassilievsky Island.

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