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More than Real Estate Market Overview 2019

6 Февраля 2020, 16:42
At the beginning of 2020 we are sharing not only annual Real Estate Market Overview, based on the results of 2019, but also some company news

During 2019 Maris team celebrated the 15th anniversary, contracted over 75,000 sqm of commercial premises, organized multiple events on professional topics focused on office and industrial real estate. More than that Maris prepared and hosted the annual Real Estate Forum together with the colleagues and continued professional management of high-quality 122,000 sqm office premises. 

Starting from 2020 Maris entered St. Petersburg International Business Association SPIBA. 

Office Real Estate

The key trends in 2019 are:

  • Constant growth of new speculative offer 
  • Stable demand for office premises
  • Low vacancy rate
  • Positive dynamics of rental rates  

In 2019 the share of deals commissioned with participation of Maris | Part of the CBRE Affiliate Network is equal to 45,000 sqm, which allowed us to retain the leading position among international consultants, while 45 Russian and international companies have found new offices.

It has to be mentioned that Maris team participated in the biggest deal of 2019 on St Petersburg market – 8,800 sqm were leased out in the office building Energo 2.

Industrial Real Estate

A high level of demand led to almost 100% uptake of a new speculative offer and the maintenance of the vacancy rate on a record low level. In 2019, the scale of built-to-suit projects has considerably increased as well as the volume of non-speculative industrial and warehouse properties made by their own resources. The Industrial team helped to find new properties to the companies operating in the field of logistics, FMCG and hard industry. One of the most remarkable deals of the last year is the project of distribution center for the chain of fast food restaurants Teremok.

Capital Markets and Investment

Maris analysts suggest that in 2019 most investors started to pay more attention to properties that can be reconstructed or to spots for new construction. This tendency can be partly explained by the lack of good income properties on the market, while the expectations of sellers are excessive. Nevertheless, there is a stable demand for purchasing income properties among private and institutional investors.  

Consulting and Valuation

As of the end of 2019 the total price of properties estimated by Maris Consulting and Valuation team exceeds 305 billion rubles. 

You are welcome to download the full Real Estate Market Overview prepared by Research department, which includes retail and hotels segments as well.

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Компания Maris с 2011 года является лидером среди международных консультантов по сдаче офисных помещений в аренду.