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Maris | Part of the CBRE Affiliate Network participated in Big Consulting 2011 Conference

14 Июля 2011, 07:53
July 6-9, 2011 St. Petersburg hosted the most prestigious event in the sphere of consulting in Russia - "BIG CONSULTING` 11 Forum»

July 6-9, 2011 St. Petersburg hosted the most prestigious event in the sphere of consulting in Russia - "BIG CONSULTING` 11 Forum». This event has been taking place on the banks of the Neva River for the past nine years and has become during its existence, one of the most interesting and desired events of the professional consulting market.
Jana Kuzina - director of strategic consulting and valuation department of CBRE, was the moderator of the section "Investment value of property," and Kyle Patching - Maris | Part of the CBRE Affiliate Network Business Development Director – was a presenter of this section, with the theme: "Investment attractiveness of the real estate markets in St. Petersburg and Moscow ".

The Big Consulting’11 Forum allowed participants not only to be informed about current events in the consulting sphere, but to also be in the center of making new decisions.

The major themes of plenary and sectional discussions were:

  • The direction of the value consulting and assessment. Prospects for improving the legislation and the realities of law enforcement.
  • Legislation requirements changing: the new qualification of the professional community.
  • The investment value of the property. Myth or a reality?
  • Management of assets and liabilities in the financial rehabilitation and renovation of the business. Estimating the cost of innovation.
  • Unification of the requirements to professional participants of the market: the search for compromise.
  • View inside and out: evaluation as a tool for making investment decisions in terms of business value. Evaluation in order to reveal information about the cost in public accounting reports. International Financial Reporting Standards. Privatization.
  • Value of the debt forming: the cost to the lender. Liens. Sanitation in the financial sector. Limited liquidity

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Компания Maris с 2011 года является лидером среди международных консультантов по сдаче офисных помещений в аренду.