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Large online-retailer is now in PULKOVO LOGOPARK

13 Сентября 2021, 11:11
Federal Trading company Online Trade.Ru rented a warehouse with an office block in the Pulkovo Logopark owned by Raven Russia. The rented area amounted to 2,558 sqm. The broker of the transaction - Maris | Part of the CBRE Affiliate Network.

New tenant of complex – OnlineTrade.Ru – is one of the largest Russian online stores, which has been operating on online market since 1998. Retail network includes more than 300 delivery points in 102 cities of RF.

«More than 250,000 customers visit online store’s website every day. An assortment of more than 500,000 products in 18 categories, fast delivery, an extensive network of pick-up points, a loyalty program and an abundance of promotional offers made the company one the most influential players in the online trade market.  Online Trade.Ru repeatedly been included in the top 20 most expensive companies in Russia according to Forbes magazine», - comments Andrey Ferebyanikov, director of the OnlineTrade.ru ».

It is worth noting that to date, the leading positions in volume of demand for warehouse real estate have been taken by enterprises in field of online commerce – 34% of gross volume of demand against 16% in H1 2020.

Alexandr Shevelev, deputy head of Industrial & Logistics Department, comments on the transaction: «Priority in the selection of the object became: effective location, the quality of object and possibility of organizing a point of delivery of products at the warehouse. Thus, placement in a logistic complex on the Pulkovo highway became the optimal solution for this project».

Office and warehouse complex of class А Pulkovo logopark, belonging to Raven Russia, is conveniently located near the Pulkovo highway. One kilometer away from the Ring Road. Loading docks of complex are located on both sides, which allows efficient cross-docking operations.  Parking on the object is for 300 parking spaces. The main advantage of the object is adjacent 3 floors office administrative block.  The territory to administrative zone of object is landscaped.

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