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IT company has rented a new office in the business center B5

30 Августа 2021, 11:03
YCLIENTS cloud platform rented an office in the B5 business center with an area of 545 sqm. The broker of the transaction - Maris | Part of the CBRE Affiliate Network.

New resident of B5 business center — is a cloud platform that is the market leader in business management automation in the service sector. More than 31,000 customers from 53 countries.

 «Important search parameters where: location in the central part of Saint-Petersburg with finished decoration. B5 business center came up most successfully and was selected shortly after the first views. Important criteria: top location of business center, new decoration, suitable layout for the placement of employees», - comments Julia Vorobyeva consultant of Global Corporate Services and Sales Department.

B5 is a modern business center located in the very center of St. Petersburg on 5, Bakunin Avenue. Ploshad’ Vosstaniya, Mayakovskaya and Ploshad’ Alexandra Nevskogo  are nearest metro stations.  Total area of the building is 14,635 sqm. Building is equipped with all necessary engineering, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Building has an original architectural appearance, similar to the interior and rich infrastructure. Business center occupies one of the leading places in the commercial real estate market..

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