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Gorka opens office in Elkus

21 Марта 2022, 11:17
GORKA group company rented office space with total area of 2,375 sqm. In Elkus-2 BC. The consultant of the deal was Maris.

New business center resident – GORKA group of companies – carries out infrastructure design of objects, highways, artificial structures, engineering networks, road construction and repair.

«At the moment, GORKA group of companies has representative offices in 7 cities of Russia in addition to the central office in Moscow, where key facilities are concentrated. In St. Petersburg, work is in process on several projects, but, of course, the on top of the cake is the SKA Arena, where GORKA LLC acts as the general contractor, so the location was chosen primarily from the point of view of proximity to the future multifunctional sports and entertainment complex. The second and no less important point is the wide range of services provided by our company in the field of construction, where design is a key activity, but not the only one (construction control, engineering surveys, building surveys, restoration work). Until recently, GORKA Group's divisions were dispersed into three different offices, this created difficulties in communication between employees, and in some logistics questions, including. Now everyone will gather in a single space – we are sure this will create more comfort and have a positive impact on work productivity. We are grateful to Maris for being able to find an office for us that meets many of our needs and expectations. We express our hope and confidence that our employees will like the new location», – comments on Anastasia Novikova Deputy Head of HR Department of GORKA group.    

Alyona Berdigan, head of Office Real Estate Department, comments on the deal: «The tenant found a combination of three important parameters in the object: location – nearest to the SKA stadium that is under construction due to the fact that the company is engaged in the SKA Arena design and construction; rental rates - one of the most attractive today in the Moskovsky district; third – at the beginning of 2020 – the premises were ready for commissioning. Also, among the advantages of the chosen building, it is important that the landlord performs main finishing and transfers the premises ready for the tenant's entry. Our team managed to select the optimal and interesting object for client».

16-storey Elkus-2 class В+ business cluster is located in the St.Petersburg Moskovsky district. Designed with panoramic glazing and big windows. It is within walking distance from Electrosila metro station, Moskovsky Prospekt, Kubinskaya Street and Western High Speed Diameter. Social and commercial infrastructure is developed in this place. 


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